Nebraska Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
Publication Design | 2018
About the Research Unit
The Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Units Program represents a unique collaborative relationship among federal and state agencies, universities, and a non-profit organization. The Nebraska unit is housed within the UNL School of Natural Resources. Its tripartite mission is to train graduate students for professional careers in natural resource research and management, conduct research that generates valuable new information for natural resource management, and provide technical assistance in the application and integration of this new science. The Nebraska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit fully embraces this mission and contributes daily to the overall success of the Cooperative Research Units Program.
Design Contributions
The Nebraska Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit publishes an annual report that showcases research highlights, personnel and student updates, and summaries of outreach activities. The goal of this project was to develop a user-friendly InDesign template, allowing cooperative members to easily update and manage the report each year. Since its creation in 2018, the template has enabled unit members to consistently produce visually appealing reports that reflect their important work.
Read the Latest Reports Here:
Template Design Example