SNR Recruitment Illustration
Pen Illustration

Stuart Family Farm
Oil Painting

Brandt Family Farm Illustration
Pen Illustration

Tricks for Treats
Digital Illustration

One Health Art Series
Pen Illustration Series

Only Rain in the Drain
Mural Installation

COVID Health Messages

Capstone Exhibition
Mezzotint Series

Life of a House Stop Motion Animation
Letterpress Pressure Print Series, Animation, and Original Music
Monoprint Reduction Woodblock

Old Farm House
Aquatint Etching
Illustration and Book Bindery
Midnight Barn
Monoprint Lithograph Series
Collograph Etching

A Horse, A Mirror
Monoprint Etching and Bookbindery
Reduction Woodblock and Dry Etching

Derby Posters
Letterpress and Linocut Etching